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The Best Strategies for Boosting Your Overall Health

jjmac80 0

Guest article by Jennifer McGregor

Health tips are all over the internet these days, covering everything from exercise to eating right, but there are many ways to focus on your overall wellness that often aren’t covered. Taking time to think about what your body and mind need the most can help you reduce stress and anxiety, boost your energy, and keep you feeling strong and vital even when you have a busy schedule. Consider the little improvements you can make instead of just looking at the big picture. For instance, how does muscle health affect other parts of your body? What can you do to improve your oral health?

you know which areas need a little work, come up with a strategy. The
most important thing to keep in mind is that staying motivated will
be key, so your plan should be realistic.
Think carefully about how you want to proceed before you get started.

are a few strategies for boosting your overall health.

your smile healthy

oral health plays a big role in the way we feel, but many people are
unaware of how important it is to keep their teeth and gums clean.
Not only does caring for your dental health give you a beautiful
smile, it also prevents major health issues such as heart disease.
Individuals who are living with diabetes need to be especially
careful with their teeth because blood sugar issues can lead to major
dental issues. Regular checkups are essential; if you don’t have a
regular dentist or are looking for a new one, you can use an online
tool to find
a dentist

near you.

your healthcare options

not easy to take care of yourself when you’re unsure of how to go
about getting a doctor’s appointment or how you’ll pay
for medical care. With health insurance plans changing every year,
it’s very important to stay on top of your healthcare options,
especially if you’re a senior. Older adults have many benefits
available through Medicare, but out-of-pocket costs can be
substantial. A Medigap plan can help cover the costs associated with
your policy, particularly Plans F and G.

it out

muscle health is increasingly important as we get older, and it’s
essential to make sure you’re taking care of your body both before
and after you work out. Whether you practice yoga or play a sport,
there are several ways you can get in some stretches
beforehand and as a cooldown method. Make sure you learn how to
stretch properly to avoid injury. Even some simple stretches like
ankle circles, chin tucks, and neck rolls can release

and boost your mood. You can also incorporate tools, such as a
for your feet that will help soothe pain and ease tired soles.


can be just as detrimental to your health as smoking and living with
diabetes, according to a recent
Sitting for prolonged periods of time can be dangerous to your heart,
so get up and move around, especially if your job requires you to sit
at a desk all day. Take short breaks every hour, just long enough to
get your blood circulating, or invest in a stand-up

that allows you to stay upright while you work.

Boosting your health doesn’t have to be time-consuming or stressful. Think about the areas that could use some improvement and consider using tools that will help you reach your goals. By keeping your schedule and lifestyle in mind, you can create a strategy that works for you.

Oral Health and Systemic Disease

jjmac80 0

“You cannot be healthy without oral health.” - David Satcher (Surgeon General 1998—2000)

Quick link to the Iodine products I use



An individual’s oral health is both directly and indirectly linked to overall health in the body. More and more research is coming out to support this. The teeth are connected to nerves, and the nerves are connected to blood vessels which are therefore joined to the circulatory and nervous systems. http://lifeyears.net/2018/03/30/overview-of-the-nervous-system-and-how-it-relates-to-our-health/

Infections of the teeth and gums have been shown to cause an increase in inflammation throughout the body. Gingivitis is a type of mild to moderate infection many are familiar with. Symptoms include red, puffy, and bleeding gums. Plaque and bacteria left on the teeth near the gum line builds up triggering an immune response which results in inflammation. If this condition goes unchecked long enough, one my find their condition progresses to a more serious condition know as Periodontitis or Periodontal disease. The symptoms of this disease include receding gums, tender gums, loose teeth, loss of teeth, and even damage to the jawbone. Individuals at greater risk include those with poor oral hygiene and poor nutrition, diabetics, smokers, individuals taking medications, those who are chronically dehydrated, and people with Parkinson’s. The link with many of these at risk individuals is dry-mouth or xerostomia. Saliva contains enzymes which help to reduce acidity in the mouth and neutralize harmful bacteria. In its absence these harmful intruders move in and begin to wreak havoc on the mouth. Soon what began as tender gums is now setting one up for more serious problems such as heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and dementia. Cardiovascular surgeons are taking this connection quite seriously, especially in the case of individuals with valvular heart disease; in this case doctors recommend regular oral examination to keep periodontal disease at bay as inflammatory links associated with this disorder are known to worsen this already problematic heart condition. Its also been shown to cause further hardening of the arteries. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) 630,000 Americans die every year from heart disease; that’s 1 in 4 deaths in America. It’s the number one killer of both men and women. Maintaining good oral health can greatly reduce one’s risk. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis 1.3 million Americans are affected. This is an auto immune problem in which alien proteins gather in the joints alerting the immune system to attack. The immune system uses inflammation to isolate foreign invaders in an attempt to keep them from spreading. Often the source of these alien proteins is unknown, but research is now finding that at least one source is coming directly from infections in the mouth. Hidden bacteria could be lurking under a crown, or in the aftermath of a root canal. Similar lines are now being drawn to other conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Multiple sclerosis, and Lupus. http://lifeyears.net/2018/03/31/an-overview-of-the-lymphatic-and-immune-systems/This same inflammatory response has been shown to quicken the effects of dementia and increase one’s risk of stroke.

It has also been found that Infections of the mouth such as periodontal disease can increase the incidence of bacterial pneumonia. Porphromonas gingivalisis a pathogenic bacterium which forms colonies on blood agar. When present in the mouth due to infection, it not only enters the blood stream directly (in a similar way as nicotine from chewing tobacco; giving a quick buzz) but is also available to be inhaled into the lungs where is can explode into a whole host of other problems, including pneumonia.

The good news is, there are a multitude of ways to prevent and eradicate oral infections. Cutting back on sugars and processed foods is a good start, as these things feed the bad bacteria in the body, thereby strengthening their numbers. Brushing twice a day for at least two full minutes, and paying special attention to the gum-line is especially helpful when done regularly. I know we hear this one a lot, but you need to be flossing at least once a day. I like to recommend floss sticks which make the job much easier. There are also water flushing systems one could buy to help get around braces and retainers. There are many other techniques for cleaning between teeth such as oil pulling and swishing water after meals. Oil pulling is generally done with coconut oil these days, as it is both antibacterial, and antimicrobial, but was traditionally done with sesame oil in Ayurvedic medicine. A spoon full of coconut oil in the mouth and swished for 10 to 20 minutes creates a detergent effect, cleaning teeth and killing bacteria. I would recommend doing some research before trying this technique as people with fillings and crowns could find that oil pulling loosens them over time. Other oils beneficial for cleaning and killing bad bacteria include neem, tea tree, oregano, and many others. Drinking green tea has been shown to help reduce the occurrence of mouth infections due to its high and specially tailored antioxidant content; howeverthose with dry-mouth should avoid caffeinated beverages and alcohol as these are diuretics and can cause further dehydration, exacerbating the issue. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that has been used to treat mouth infections with great success, though I’m not a huge fan of artificial sweeteners it may have its place in serious cases. It should be noted that this sweetener is fatal to dogs, and is often found in sugar free gums. Incidentally chewing sugar free gum can help to keep the mouth clean as well. Ways to fight dry-mouth include sucking on sugar free lozenges to induce saliva, keeping hydrated, aloe vera juice, ginger, stop smoking, and trying not to be a mouth breather, which nobody likes anyway!! But seriously, putting some or all of these things into practice could truly increase your quality of life on so many levels. I also highly recommend putting a couple drops of iodine into about 2 tablespoons of filtered water and swishing for at least 30 seconds (a minute is even better). Make sure to spit it out!

You may have noticed I didn’t mention anything about the use of Fluoride; here’s why http://lifeyears.net/2018/04/01/fluoride-in-the-drinking-water/

Fluoride in The Drinking Water

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Quick link to the R.O. water system I use to remove the fluoride. https://amzn.to/2yupCNA

So for years we have been taught that fluoride is good for teeth and that it can protect them from decay when applied topically, but what happens when we ingest it? There are a few different forms of fluoride; calcium fluoride, sodium fluoride, and hydrofluorosilicic acid. The first one can be found in nature, the other two are byproducts of aluminum and metal manufacturing, and phosphate mining; they are highly toxic to all living organisms and were at one time being pumped into the air and dumped into streams where they decimating the eco system. This stuff eats through glass, steel, and even concrete. Just look up the Rock Island fluoride hazmat spill. Believe it or not, the last two are the ones being added to your drinking water. This junk often carries with it other heavy metals and toxins such as lead, mercury, and arsenic. A large amount of our hydrofluorosilicic acid is imported from China who recognizes it as toxic waste and bands it from their own drinking water. As do Austria, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Hungary, Japan, and many others. The European Union decided (based off the same information available to the USA) that there are too many unresolved health issues associated with this toxic byproduct and therefore it is unethical to force it on people who don’t want it. That’s okay, just slap a skull and cross bones on the side and ship it to America, where it is illegal to put into the sea, but okay to put into the peoples drinking water. Some time in the early 40s the destructive nature of these chemicals became clear. Companies would have to spend millions of dollars to clean, filter, and properly dispose of this toxic waste; but that’s where you come in. By adding so many parts per million to our drinking water, we become the filter for this destructive substance. Even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes it as a poisonous nerotoxin. Studies have shown it to cause a slowing of the mind. One study done at Harvard found that children who lived in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ levels than those living in low fluoride areas. The EPA also states that if more than used for brushing (a pea sized amount) is swallowed, one should call poison control. Yet that is how much you consume with each glass of water if you live in a city with fluoridated water. I’d also like to add, that even if one considers it a medicine, there is no way to regulate it. The more one drinks, the more one gets, and it’s not just in the water, it’s in everything made with the water; sodas, juices, cereals, and just about anything else you can think of. Reverse osmosis filtration is the only way to remove a noticeable amount of fluoride; charcoal filters, distillation, and boiling don’t work. This is the one I own https://amzn.to/2yupCNA it works great, never leaks, and I only have to worry about filters once a year. It was easy to install; check out the reviews. Over fluoridation in young children can lead to a condition know as dental fluorosis. I recommend you look up some images online. Another condition caused by over fluoridation is skeletal fluorosis. Fluoride absorbs into the bones and prevents calcium from being used properly. This leads to a build up of blood calcium which over time leads to a weakening of the bones and calcification of tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissue, especially in the joints. This leads to varying forms of joint pain. Now the drug companies can also make money from fluoridation; angry yet? Fluoride or (fluorine) is classified as a halogen element on the periodic table; the same is true of chlorine, bromine, astatine, and iodine. Fluoride is known to disrupt the uptake of iodine by the thyroid gland. Iodine is essential for the production of thyroid hormones; without it it’s likely one could develop hypothyroidism. Further studies have found fluoride to be linked to the inactivation of 62 enzymes needed for normal function, and correlation to increases in the aging process, increases in cancer and tumor growth by 17%, disruption of the immune system, interruption of DNA repair activity, genetic damage, lower sperm counts in men, lower testostorone in men, decreased fertility in women, and pineal gland interference. Fluoride is the active ingredient in Prozac which is a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat depression, OCD, Panic disorder, and bulimia nervosa. Before one can be prescribed this drug the patient must (by law) give informed consent. The American Medical Association defines informed consent as "a process of communication between a patient and physician that results in the patient's authorization or agreement to undergo a specific medical intervention." The exact wording varies from state to state but is fundamentally the same. All medical providers must inform a patient of all the potential benefits, risks, and alternatives involved in any surgical procedure, medical procedure, or other course of treatment, and must obtain the patient's written consent to proceed. The idea is that the patient has the right to make an informed decision regarding treatment.  In emergency situations, there is not always time to obtain a patient's informed consent, nor is it always possible when the patient is unconscious or unable to communicate. The Food and Drug Administration allows for the use of experimental drugs or devices in emergency situations without informed consent if the community at large knows that the research into the drug or device is going on, a special committee keeps track of the results, and provisions are in place so that the experimental use can be stopped immediately if need be. It should be noted that fluoride is not regulated by the FDA, and we already know that the EPA recognizes it as a poison. So who decides? The Department of Health and Human Services has recommended

between .07 mg/L and 1.2 mg/L. Many cities being on the higher end. In 2011 the DHHS finally recognized that dental fluorosis was greatly increasing due to over exposure. At that time it was estimated that 41% of adolescents between the ages of 12-15 already had some form of this condition. The new recommendation given was no higher that .07 mg/L. This is a step in the right direction, but it is still impossible to regulate an individuals water consumption, and therefore should be completely removed as there are plenty of affordable options for those who would choose to use fluoride; among theme are many brands of fluoridated toothpastes and mouth washes. The layer of fluoride that is suppose to protect your teeth from decay is so thin, it would take 10,000 layers to equal the thickness of a single strand of hair. If one wants to prevent decay, one must kill the Bactria that are responsible for it; such as streptococcus mutans which can be killed with baking soda. Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is an antacid. It is useful in balancing acidity levels in the mouth which can help with halitosis (bad breath). It can also aid in removing stains, preventing plaque build up, and preventing gum disease. A half tea spoon in a mouth full amount of water should do the trick. Swish it around for at least thirty seconds, but a good couple minutes is ideal. It’s not recommend to actually brush with it on your teeth as it is somewhat abrasive and over time could damage the enamel. Iodine can also be used to kill unwanted mouth bacteria such as streptococcus mutans and streptococcus sobrinus. Add a drop or two of potassium iodine to a mouth full amount of water and swish; 30 seconds is all that is needed.