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The Benefits of Eating Strawberries

jjmac80 1

Strawberries are an amazing super food which when consumed on a regular basis can give way to a seemingly innumerable amount of healthy perks. These delicious red berries contain a plethora of nutrients including vitamin C, manganese, magnesium, potassium, vitamin k, and loads of antioxidants; many of which are important for protecting our many cells, detoxifying the body, and slowing down the aging process.

Consuming as little as one cup of strawberries per week has been shown to lower both blood pressure and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) over time while simultaneously maintaining levels of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). Daily consumption is even better. Much of the research has been focused on the antioxidant authocyanin, (the nutrient responsible for giving strawberries their bright red color) however these berries are also high in pectin which is a soluble fiber lending itself to the cholesterol lowering process. In fact a typical serving of strawberries contains around 14% of the daily recommended amount of dietary fiber. There are also natural levels of nitrates present which when consumed help the body to produce nitric oxide, thereby helping to ensure proper blood flow throughout the body and lowering BP. This benefits the heart, brain, and other organs, but is also helpful for increased muscle repair, and has even been shown to aid men in their ability to get and maintain an erection. You may be confused, as many of you have probably heard that nitrates are bad for you. The short answer is not all nitrates are created equal. The type typically added to meats combines with a compound found in protein when heated and forms a substance known as nitrosamines which some research suggest may be cancer causing. This is not the case with the very beneficial nitrates contained within the strawberry.

A cup of strawberries contains roughly between 90-150% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Larger berries typically contain higher levels, this is the reason for the variance. This vitamin is very important for protecting against oxidative stress, and is crucial in the body’s ability to heal and or repair connective tissue via the production of collagen making it extremely important for healthy skin as well. Our teeth also profit as this vitamin is needed for holding them firmly in place and preventing gum disease. Vitamin C also has a role to play in assisting our immune system. Frozen strawberries are a great option because they are typically flash frozen at the peak of freshness which helps to ensure higher levels. Studies have shown that even after 3 months of being frozen viamin c levels are maintained. Whereas fresh strawberries begin to decline shortly after being picked, and continue to drop with each passing day.

Another almost unbelievable benefit of strawberries is their ability to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. Research has shown that consuming two to three servings a week can substantially lower ones risk. They are so effective at balancing blood sugars that when eaten at the same time as pure sugar they can actually prevent a spike in blood glucose. This is almost unheard of. So if you or someone you know suffers from type 2 diabetes I would highly recommend adding them to the diet.

Strawberries also make the list of foods which can help to bolster sperm count. The combination of vitamin C and antioxidants help to increase the number of swimmers while also protecting them against negative gene expression which could otherwise cause them to be defective.

The anti-inflammatory effects of strawberries are astounding as well. There are only a hand full of foods which can inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX) and Janus Kinase (JAK) markers responsible for the inflammatory effects recognized in such autoimmune problems as Crones, rheumatoid arthritis, and certain forms of alopecia. Strawberries contain phytochemicals known as ellagitannins and quercetin which are key players in accomplishing this impressive feat.

Women who are pregnant will benefit from the folate contained within the strawberry as it is a necessary component in the proper development of the baby’s brain. They also consist of folic acid; a nutrient often recommended as its thought to prevent birth defects.

There are other great qualities encompassed within this amazing heart shaped wonder, perhaps the simplest quality being their delightful flavor. Frozen or fresh, the benefits are many. I would however recommend buying organic whenever possible as strawberries tend to be heavily sprayed since they grow close to the ground and tend to be more susceptible to weeds and pest. Happy eating! I always blend mine frozen with coconut milk in one of these https://amzn.to/2RczGSt  I absolutly love it!! I use it 3 times a day.

How to Cultivate Positive Relationships

jjmac80 0

A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends,

your dreams, or your dignity.”

-Mandy Hale

A friend told me once that they were very upset that nobody ever called them or invited them to parties or events. I remember asking him who he had called recently, or what events he had planned and invited people to. In today’s world people are quite busy with their own lives and can unintentionally neglect their relationships with friends and family. Perhaps if this friend of mine had invited a few people out for a game of pool and a slice of pizza he might be a bit happier with his experience. You can tell yourself that your experiences are unfair, or see them as opportunities to learn something. You can see yourself as a victim of your experiences or the creator of them.

Though this post is about relationships, I’m a big advocate of spending time alone. I believe this will lead to you knowing yourself better, which will help to set you up for having more positive and meaningful relationships. When you know yourself well, you are less likely to put up with other individuals who may try to mistreat or take advantage of you in some way. You are also less likely to settle for relationships that aren’t really a good fit for you as you will have more confidence in knowing what you bring to the table and where your boundaries lie.

Its been said that if one wants to be a millionaire, one should spend time hanging out with millionaires. In part this is because an individual who does so, is able to get a first hand look at how a millionaire conducts themselves. This would give some idea as to what kind of characteristics one may need to take on in order to become a millionaire themselves. But there is something else at work here; something that many great men and women have tried to understand and harness across the span of time; the law of attraction. So if you run around with millionaires and begin to believe that you are becoming one, than the universe is likely to bring about things in your life to make this a reality.

It’s not quite that simple, but this is the basic idea. This concept has been around for thousands of years. Even in the bible we are told “whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours”. The universe is organized. My point in telling you this is that if you are the type of person who likes to play the victim and feel sorry for yourself, then there are two kinds of people you will attract in your life; those who victimize you, and those who are also feeling sorry for themselves. If you go around complaining that you never have enough, or that no one loves you, then you are likely creating a self fulfilling prophecy. This is extremely important. If one is to continue with such negative beliefs, then it’s probable that they will be made uncomfortable by anything or anyone who does not fit into this negative ideal. If someone comes along and attempts to love them without condition, but they continue to believe that no one truly loves them, then there is a greater likelihood of that person self sabotaging the relationship in order to meet the expectation they have pre-set for their life. Whatever has gone on in your life, whatever you have done, it’s in the past. Every day you are given the opportunity to choose better things for yourself. It’s time for you to start believing you deserve good things, and that you are worthy of unconditional love. When you do, you allow people to bless you while simultaneously remaining humble enough to be thankful for every bit of of it.

Be the type of person that you would like to hang out with. If you would like to have the type of friends who would be there for you in times of difficulty, then be the type of friend that is there for others in their times of difficulty. If you want the type of lover who loves you unconditionally, than be the type of lover who loves unconditionally. There is never a guarantee that you will be given back exactly what you give, but when you love this way your heart will be full and your conscience will be clear. Sadly, there are those who will still try to take advantage of your kindness, but if you know where your boundaries are, then you can love yourself enough to sever ties with such individuals before they are allowed to steal your energy.

Over time, as you begin to put these positive workings into motion you will start to attract more of what you need. You will begin to attract positive and meaningful relationships with people who truly care about you and your happiness. You will have fewer negative experiences, and you can be excited about all of the positive experiences that you were meant to have.

If you found this helpful, I have an e-book you may also enjoy called A Happier You, along with another of my favorites.    https://amzn.to/2JbawAF        https://amzn.to/2D0mVas


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