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My Secret to Learning and Bettering Myself

jjmac80 0

I just wanted to take a minute with this post and share something with all of you that has really been awesome for me. I live a very busy life; I own and operate a small distributing business 7 days a week year round. I am a single father of 3 kids, and have a household to run. I also am committed to working out 3 to 4 days a week, and I created Life Years as a way to help others get healthy as well. I love to read and research, as I believe personal growth is paramount to an individuals happiness. However, as you can imagine it is often difficult to find the time. This is what I wanted to share with all of you. One of my secrets is listening to audio books! There is so much information available in audio form these days, its amazing! Some of you may know, that I am an affiliate with Amazon, and because of that I am able to pass along special offers from time to time. This is one of those times, it cost you nothing, yet you have so much to gain. Right now Audible Books is offering a free trial, with free books included; just click the link to check it out https://amzn.to/2T5oWXc Its so great! I listen when I’m driving, when I’m cleaning, and when I’m working on other projects. I love squeezing in some knowledge or having someone paint some word pictures in my brain while I get other things done. When I’m learning about things, I often keep a notebook nearby so I can write things down that I want to remember, but I can always listen to it again as well; bonus! I personally am sick of negative news on TV and radio, and social media that causes us to compare our lives with those of others. Its been shown time and time again that people are the happiest when they are experiencing personal growth or making progress in some way. You could have everything you ever wanted, but if you don’t set new goals and do something to take action towards those goals, its likely you will be unhappy. With this post, like all of my others, I don’t link in products that I have not personally tried. I only link to the things that have really worked for me, and that I believe will also be helpful to you. If you have ever thought about trying Audible Books, now is a great time since you will also get some free books! If you don’t like it, get rid of it!!! I hope you at least try it, and if you do, I hope that you love it!! Enjoy!

P.s. I have also included a link to this offer at the very bottom of all of my other articles as well, under the comment and subscription blocks; trying to hook up as many people as I can while the offer is available.