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Don’t Take it Personally

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“There is a huge amount of freedom that comes to you

when you take nothing personally.”

- Don Miguel Ruiz

We’ve all been there; someone at work, school, on the bus, or waiting behind us in line at the drug store lashes out as if we have committed a crime against them. It’s amazing how quickly such a simple event can ruin our day. Long after the incident has occurred we find ourselves replaying it over and over in our minds. We think about things we wished we had said or done, or perhaps what we will say the next time we experience such an encounter. Our stress level swells, and before we realize it; the rest of our day has been taken hostage by our feelings of anger and confusion.

It’s important to remember that in most cases it has absolutely nothing to do with you. Its usually misguided anger fueled by an event or events in the other person’s life. Maybe its an angry older man who has recently lost his wife, and is struggling to cope. Maybe its a teenage girl who cut you off in traffic because she is emotionally distraught after having an argument with her best friend. The point is we don’t know! If we’re going to make assumptions; let us assume that most people are of a decent nature and do not set out to ruin our day. It behooves us to understand that every individual is a soul on their own unique journey. When you learn to see others as a soul, rather than just someone who has inconvenienced you in some way, you may actually find some sympathy for what they may be going through. Understanding in this way is an act of love, and brings about forgiveness, which allows you to let things go, and voila’… you’re back to having a good day. Okay, it may take some practice, but fortunately for you, there will be plenty of opportunities.

Sometimes taking things personally goes much deeper and is a bit more difficult to wrestle with.

This is the case for the man or woman who as a child suffered under an abusive parent, and for the individual who has been in (or is currently in) an oppressive relationship. In both cases, the individual is lead to believe that they are not good enough, or that they may not even deserve to be loved at all. Taking on such a toxic view of one’s self can be debilitating in many ways. The offender in these examples has often been the recipient of similar abuse and or oppression in their own life. Sometimes individuals like this either consciously or subconsciously pass along that which has been impressed on them as a way to relieve their own pain and anger. Again, understanding and forgiveness are going to be paramount in helping you to not take it personally when someone wrongs you (or has wronged you) in either of these two situations, or in a similar situations. Understanding that it’s them, not you who has the problem, and forgiving them even if they don’t ask for it can be quite freeing. Forgiveness in this case is not about making right that which has been done to you, but rather it is about releasing that which keeps you from your own happiness.

The next time someone hurls and insult at you, attacks you in some way, or acts without regard or consideration for your feelings; take a moment to experience that feeling. Then remember there is a choice to be made. You can act from a place of anger and frustration by taking it personally, or you can choose to not take it personally and move about your day in peace, and without the burden of shouldering the negative energy of others. I am not suggesting that you be a pushover if someone is firing at you intentionally. It’s important to know when to stand up for yourself. I am merely suggesting that you not give others power over you by letting them decide how you are going to feel. It is rather appropriate (in my opinion) to be selfish where your health and happiness are concerned.

There will always be words spouted in anger, and hurtful actions taken against others as a way to mask one’s pain. Learning to not take things personally could be monumental in setting you free. Here is A link to my E-Book (A Happier You) along with some other books I highly recommend. Thanks for reading!

Something is Missing From the Air You Breathe.

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Have you ever felt tired after a long car, train or bus ride? Perhaps you have experienced fatigue after a trip on a plane and assumed it was jet lag. Have you ever slept a full 8 hours and still woke to find yourself tired and groggy? Maybe you’re like me and find that you need more sleep in the winter time. For years I assumed this was solely due to attaining less sunlight during the day which meant I had lower vitamin D3 levels and therefore required more sleep to recharge. The problem was that over time I realized I still felt I had less energy. I even began to regularly take a D3 supplement which while beneficial, still did not seem to completely rectify the issue for me. Once spring came along I would slowly begin to feel more energized. Some people are familiar with something called Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD; the symptoms of which are fatigue, feeling withdrawn, trouble sleeping, inability to focus, Irritability, and even body aches to name a few.

There is something that connects all of these things together. Something eastern medicine has known about for years. It has to do with electricity in the body. This is something often overlooked by western medicine. While some recognize the importance of electrolytes in beverages to help hydrate and restore energy in the body, most do not understand what they are and how they help us. Electrolyte minerals that can be obtained in the diet include magnesium, calcium, potassium, and sodium. These minerals are all alkalizing, meaning they make the body more alkaline. This is a term you may have heard when someone is talking about a battery. This is because by becoming more alkaline one literally becomes more conductive and thus more electric. This is very important because there are many processes which cannot take place in the body without proper conductivity, such as cell regeneration and many other restorative functions of the body. Without proper conductivity one could experience low energy, immune dysfunction, slow wound healing, brain fog, and well… all the symptoms associated with SAD. Now while those who are aware of this (such as myself) can and do make an effort to eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of clean water, and supplement when needed, there is something profound that most are still missing. Are you ready for this?.. clean air!!

How important is the air we breathe and how does it factor in? Well first of all, the body can go almost a month without food, and up to a week without water, but if you go without air for more than a few minutes you’re a goner, so I’d say it’s pretty important. Scientists have discovered that while oxygen and nitrogen are both important components of the air we breathe (along with lesser components such as argon, carbon dioxide, and methane) it is the negative ions within the air that have the greatest impact on our health. These negative ions carry a small electrical charge which when breathed in aid our body’s in numerous functions. The action of deep breathing alone is beneficial for lymphatic drainage and activation of the pneumogastric nerve which triggers glands in the body useful for balancing hormones. Proper deep breathing can be achieved by focusing on feeling your lungs expand downward towards your belly while drawing air in through the nose. This pushes on the diaphragm and is helpful for proper digestion and massaging the intestines thereby assisting in moving waste forward and out of the body (also known as peristalsis). But how do we get more negative ions, and what about positive ions? Positive ions are unfortunately all around us; they are in all of the things that pollute our air such as chemical sprays, dust, smog, and exhaust. These positive ions essentially render the negative ions useless. Furnaces and air-conditioners also damage the charge of the negative ions. In nature the sun’s rays, the moving of the oceans waves, and quickly moving air are the tools used by the earth to charge up more negative ions.

This brings me back to my questions posed to you about feeling tired after being trapped in a room, vehicle, or plane without any of the things necessary to produce negative ions for an extended period of time. I mean, just think about the places you’ve been where you feel the most charged up; the mountains, the beach, and wide open spaces in nature. Now think about how low energy you feel when you stay inside breathing recirculated air all day. Is it any wonder people experience SAD more in places where they are forced in doors due to freezing temperatures? Automobile manufacturers are now making available negative ionizers as research has shown that it cuts down of fatigue while driving. Even the space program uses these devices to help keep astronauts alert. Having one of these ionizers around has been paramount in helping me to feel more energized. I run it while I sleep, meditate, and workout. It is especially helpful during the winter months when I cannot be outside as much. I feel the biggest difference after I sleep with it in the room. Its like I’m actually recharging! I used to use a salt lamp as these are thought to improve the negative ions, but studies have shown the amount of negative ions produced by these lamps is so low it’s almost impossible to measure; it makes a good night-light for my son though. However, here are some ionizers that do work (including the one I have).

I hope this has been helpful to you. Thanks for reading!

Oral Health and Systemic Disease

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“You cannot be healthy without oral health.” - David Satcher (Surgeon General 1998—2000)

Quick link to the Iodine products I use

An individual’s oral health is both directly and indirectly linked to overall health in the body. More and more research is coming out to support this. The teeth are connected to nerves, and the nerves are connected to blood vessels which are therefore joined to the circulatory and nervous systems.

Infections of the teeth and gums have been shown to cause an increase in inflammation throughout the body. Gingivitis is a type of mild to moderate infection many are familiar with. Symptoms include red, puffy, and bleeding gums. Plaque and bacteria left on the teeth near the gum line builds up triggering an immune response which results in inflammation. If this condition goes unchecked long enough, one my find their condition progresses to a more serious condition know as Periodontitis or Periodontal disease. The symptoms of this disease include receding gums, tender gums, loose teeth, loss of teeth, and even damage to the jawbone. Individuals at greater risk include those with poor oral hygiene and poor nutrition, diabetics, smokers, individuals taking medications, those who are chronically dehydrated, and people with Parkinson’s. The link with many of these at risk individuals is dry-mouth or xerostomia. Saliva contains enzymes which help to reduce acidity in the mouth and neutralize harmful bacteria. In its absence these harmful intruders move in and begin to wreak havoc on the mouth. Soon what began as tender gums is now setting one up for more serious problems such as heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and dementia. Cardiovascular surgeons are taking this connection quite seriously, especially in the case of individuals with valvular heart disease; in this case doctors recommend regular oral examination to keep periodontal disease at bay as inflammatory links associated with this disorder are known to worsen this already problematic heart condition. Its also been shown to cause further hardening of the arteries. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) 630,000 Americans die every year from heart disease; that’s 1 in 4 deaths in America. It’s the number one killer of both men and women. Maintaining good oral health can greatly reduce one’s risk. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis 1.3 million Americans are affected. This is an auto immune problem in which alien proteins gather in the joints alerting the immune system to attack. The immune system uses inflammation to isolate foreign invaders in an attempt to keep them from spreading. Often the source of these alien proteins is unknown, but research is now finding that at least one source is coming directly from infections in the mouth. Hidden bacteria could be lurking under a crown, or in the aftermath of a root canal. Similar lines are now being drawn to other conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Multiple sclerosis, and Lupus. same inflammatory response has been shown to quicken the effects of dementia and increase one’s risk of stroke.

It has also been found that Infections of the mouth such as periodontal disease can increase the incidence of bacterial pneumonia. Porphromonas gingivalisis a pathogenic bacterium which forms colonies on blood agar. When present in the mouth due to infection, it not only enters the blood stream directly (in a similar way as nicotine from chewing tobacco; giving a quick buzz) but is also available to be inhaled into the lungs where is can explode into a whole host of other problems, including pneumonia.

The good news is, there are a multitude of ways to prevent and eradicate oral infections. Cutting back on sugars and processed foods is a good start, as these things feed the bad bacteria in the body, thereby strengthening their numbers. Brushing twice a day for at least two full minutes, and paying special attention to the gum-line is especially helpful when done regularly. I know we hear this one a lot, but you need to be flossing at least once a day. I like to recommend floss sticks which make the job much easier. There are also water flushing systems one could buy to help get around braces and retainers. There are many other techniques for cleaning between teeth such as oil pulling and swishing water after meals. Oil pulling is generally done with coconut oil these days, as it is both antibacterial, and antimicrobial, but was traditionally done with sesame oil in Ayurvedic medicine. A spoon full of coconut oil in the mouth and swished for 10 to 20 minutes creates a detergent effect, cleaning teeth and killing bacteria. I would recommend doing some research before trying this technique as people with fillings and crowns could find that oil pulling loosens them over time. Other oils beneficial for cleaning and killing bad bacteria include neem, tea tree, oregano, and many others. Drinking green tea has been shown to help reduce the occurrence of mouth infections due to its high and specially tailored antioxidant content; howeverthose with dry-mouth should avoid caffeinated beverages and alcohol as these are diuretics and can cause further dehydration, exacerbating the issue. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that has been used to treat mouth infections with great success, though I’m not a huge fan of artificial sweeteners it may have its place in serious cases. It should be noted that this sweetener is fatal to dogs, and is often found in sugar free gums. Incidentally chewing sugar free gum can help to keep the mouth clean as well. Ways to fight dry-mouth include sucking on sugar free lozenges to induce saliva, keeping hydrated, aloe vera juice, ginger, stop smoking, and trying not to be a mouth breather, which nobody likes anyway!! But seriously, putting some or all of these things into practice could truly increase your quality of life on so many levels. I also highly recommend putting a couple drops of iodine into about 2 tablespoons of filtered water and swishing for at least 30 seconds (a minute is even better). Make sure to spit it out!

You may have noticed I didn’t mention anything about the use of Fluoride; here’s why

The Benefits of Eating Strawberries

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Strawberries are an amazing super food which when consumed on a regular basis can give way to a seemingly innumerable amount of healthy perks. These delicious red berries contain a plethora of nutrients including vitamin C, manganese, magnesium, potassium, vitamin k, and loads of antioxidants; many of which are important for protecting our many cells, detoxifying the body, and slowing down the aging process.

Consuming as little as one cup of strawberries per week has been shown to lower both blood pressure and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) over time while simultaneously maintaining levels of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). Daily consumption is even better. Much of the research has been focused on the antioxidant authocyanin, (the nutrient responsible for giving strawberries their bright red color) however these berries are also high in pectin which is a soluble fiber lending itself to the cholesterol lowering process. In fact a typical serving of strawberries contains around 14% of the daily recommended amount of dietary fiber. There are also natural levels of nitrates present which when consumed help the body to produce nitric oxide, thereby helping to ensure proper blood flow throughout the body and lowering BP. This benefits the heart, brain, and other organs, but is also helpful for increased muscle repair, and has even been shown to aid men in their ability to get and maintain an erection. You may be confused, as many of you have probably heard that nitrates are bad for you. The short answer is not all nitrates are created equal. The type typically added to meats combines with a compound found in protein when heated and forms a substance known as nitrosamines which some research suggest may be cancer causing. This is not the case with the very beneficial nitrates contained within the strawberry.

A cup of strawberries contains roughly between 90-150% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Larger berries typically contain higher levels, this is the reason for the variance. This vitamin is very important for protecting against oxidative stress, and is crucial in the body’s ability to heal and or repair connective tissue via the production of collagen making it extremely important for healthy skin as well. Our teeth also profit as this vitamin is needed for holding them firmly in place and preventing gum disease. Vitamin C also has a role to play in assisting our immune system. Frozen strawberries are a great option because they are typically flash frozen at the peak of freshness which helps to ensure higher levels. Studies have shown that even after 3 months of being frozen viamin c levels are maintained. Whereas fresh strawberries begin to decline shortly after being picked, and continue to drop with each passing day.

Another almost unbelievable benefit of strawberries is their ability to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. Research has shown that consuming two to three servings a week can substantially lower ones risk. They are so effective at balancing blood sugars that when eaten at the same time as pure sugar they can actually prevent a spike in blood glucose. This is almost unheard of. So if you or someone you know suffers from type 2 diabetes I would highly recommend adding them to the diet.

Strawberries also make the list of foods which can help to bolster sperm count. The combination of vitamin C and antioxidants help to increase the number of swimmers while also protecting them against negative gene expression which could otherwise cause them to be defective.

The anti-inflammatory effects of strawberries are astounding as well. There are only a hand full of foods which can inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX) and Janus Kinase (JAK) markers responsible for the inflammatory effects recognized in such autoimmune problems as Crones, rheumatoid arthritis, and certain forms of alopecia. Strawberries contain phytochemicals known as ellagitannins and quercetin which are key players in accomplishing this impressive feat.

Women who are pregnant will benefit from the folate contained within the strawberry as it is a necessary component in the proper development of the baby’s brain. They also consist of folic acid; a nutrient often recommended as its thought to prevent birth defects.

There are other great qualities encompassed within this amazing heart shaped wonder, perhaps the simplest quality being their delightful flavor. Frozen or fresh, the benefits are many. I would however recommend buying organic whenever possible as strawberries tend to be heavily sprayed since they grow close to the ground and tend to be more susceptible to weeds and pest. Happy eating! I always blend mine frozen with coconut milk in one of these  I absolutly love it!! I use it 3 times a day.

The Benefits of Enzymes, and Why Most People Are Deficient.

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Here's a quick link to the enzymes I use.

The body produces and utilizes both digestive enzymes and metabolic enzymes. Digestive enzymes are tasked with turning the foods we consume into energy. While metabolic enzymes are responsible for all biochemical reactions taking place throughout the body, and are contained within every human cell. There are thousands of types of metabolic enzymes scattered among the body’s over 100 trillion cells. Without these enzymes cell death would occur and we would die. Some digestive enzymes are secreted by the gallbladder, liver, stomach, small intestine, and colon, but most are produced by the pancreas. The pancreas is likewise charged with regulating blood sugar as discussed in my blog An Overview of The Endocrine System. Metabolic enzymes are produced internally as well.

There is another very important form of enzyme which is often over looked and most are lacking; this is the food enzyme. Herein lies the problem for many individuals. Numerous issues of the body are related to this simple truth, and here’s why. When we don’t ingest ample amounts of food enzymes to help us break down the foods we eat. the body must compensate by producing them. When this occurs, the body must also slow its production of metabolic enzymes. To further compound the matter, the body produces less and less of these enzymes for us as we age. In fact, by the time one reaches their forties they are already producing far less than they did when they were younger (infants for example produce 30x the digestive enzymes then that of an adult) and with today’s common diet consisting largely of processed and refined garbage food, many could have problems much sooner. Food enzymes abound within raw foods and grass fed meats which have not been overcooked. We have become so concerned with food safety and preservation that we kill these beneficial enzymes in order to remove potentially harmful bacteria. This is done via various processes such as pasteurization, homogenization, radiation (as with spinach for example) and the use of microwaves. Other factors contributing to low enzyme survival rate include foods raised in poor soil, GMO alteration, and the ingesting of toxins such as artificial sweeteners, herbicides, pesticides, medications, and consumption of fluoride. The effects of fluoride are further discussed in my blog Fluoride in The Drinking Water. While it’s true there are some dangers in regard to bad bacteria in milk, I.g. E coli, and listeria, there has been research done which shows a substantial nutritional deficiency in animals which were given pasteurized milk versus whole milk. One such study included multiple generations of cats. The group receiving only whole milk thrived and proliferated, while the group receiving only pasteurized milk eventually became frail and sterile. A good rule to follow when it comes to food is if it doesn’t mold and break down on its own, don’t eat it. I personally supplement my diet with an enzyme blend to help insure my body is getting what it needs. This is a quick and easy way to help make the most of the foods you’re eating. There are different enzymes required for the utilization of each carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Food allergies, obesity, poor muscle development, depression, anxiety, gallbladder problems, crones disease, leaky gut syndrome, constant diarrhea, dairy intolerance, brain fog, inflammation, toxicity, blood clots, poor hormone regulation, increased aging, poor utilization of oxygen, and many other ailments can all be related to enzyme deficiency. To give you an idea of how enzyme deficiency can cascade, lets take a quick look at brain fog. The brain can only make use of glucose as energy. It burns 25% of all blood sugar available in the body. Some other organs in the body can directly utilize fat as energy, but not the brain. Without a steady supply of glucose the brain will become impaired within approximately 4 hours. Symptoms often begin to show up as erratic emotional behavior before progressing into memory loss and inability to concentrate. The brain can make quick use of foods high in glucose like honey and fruit, but otherwise requires carbohydrates to be turned into glucose by the body before it can be used. When carbohydrates are in short supply it can make use of glycogen which has been stored by the liver from the breaking down of proteins and fats, and then converted to glucose. However, in order to make this conversion the liver itself must have glucose from carbohydrates to burn as fuel. Enzymes help with this as well. The more enzymes available, the less energy is required to make this conversion. This is why low carbohydrate diets are not sustainable for extended periods, and also why it is paramount that proper enzyme levels are present.

Enzymes are extremely valuable for every function of the body, not the least of which is the immune system. The immune system requires the enzyme protease for example, which is needed to break down proteins critical to the production of white blood cells that are essential for proper immune function. Lipase is a major enzyme needed for breaking down fat. Without it, an individual could struggle with unhealthy weight gain and an inability to make use of lipids for the production of sex hormones such as testosterone for males and estrogen for women.

I could go on, but to conclude, I would strongly encourage anyone looking to optimize their health to consider making a few healthy alterations to their diet by including plenty of raw fruits and vegetables, and perhaps enzyme supplementation to round out a healthy lifestyle. Here are the enzymes I use once again.  I also like to recommend fulvic acid, this is amazing stuff!

How to Cultivate Positive Relationships

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A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends,

your dreams, or your dignity.”

-Mandy Hale

A friend told me once that they were very upset that nobody ever called them or invited them to parties or events. I remember asking him who he had called recently, or what events he had planned and invited people to. In today’s world people are quite busy with their own lives and can unintentionally neglect their relationships with friends and family. Perhaps if this friend of mine had invited a few people out for a game of pool and a slice of pizza he might be a bit happier with his experience. You can tell yourself that your experiences are unfair, or see them as opportunities to learn something. You can see yourself as a victim of your experiences or the creator of them.

Though this post is about relationships, I’m a big advocate of spending time alone. I believe this will lead to you knowing yourself better, which will help to set you up for having more positive and meaningful relationships. When you know yourself well, you are less likely to put up with other individuals who may try to mistreat or take advantage of you in some way. You are also less likely to settle for relationships that aren’t really a good fit for you as you will have more confidence in knowing what you bring to the table and where your boundaries lie.

Its been said that if one wants to be a millionaire, one should spend time hanging out with millionaires. In part this is because an individual who does so, is able to get a first hand look at how a millionaire conducts themselves. This would give some idea as to what kind of characteristics one may need to take on in order to become a millionaire themselves. But there is something else at work here; something that many great men and women have tried to understand and harness across the span of time; the law of attraction. So if you run around with millionaires and begin to believe that you are becoming one, than the universe is likely to bring about things in your life to make this a reality.

It’s not quite that simple, but this is the basic idea. This concept has been around for thousands of years. Even in the bible we are told “whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours”. The universe is organized. My point in telling you this is that if you are the type of person who likes to play the victim and feel sorry for yourself, then there are two kinds of people you will attract in your life; those who victimize you, and those who are also feeling sorry for themselves. If you go around complaining that you never have enough, or that no one loves you, then you are likely creating a self fulfilling prophecy. This is extremely important. If one is to continue with such negative beliefs, then it’s probable that they will be made uncomfortable by anything or anyone who does not fit into this negative ideal. If someone comes along and attempts to love them without condition, but they continue to believe that no one truly loves them, then there is a greater likelihood of that person self sabotaging the relationship in order to meet the expectation they have pre-set for their life. Whatever has gone on in your life, whatever you have done, it’s in the past. Every day you are given the opportunity to choose better things for yourself. It’s time for you to start believing you deserve good things, and that you are worthy of unconditional love. When you do, you allow people to bless you while simultaneously remaining humble enough to be thankful for every bit of of it.

Be the type of person that you would like to hang out with. If you would like to have the type of friends who would be there for you in times of difficulty, then be the type of friend that is there for others in their times of difficulty. If you want the type of lover who loves you unconditionally, than be the type of lover who loves unconditionally. There is never a guarantee that you will be given back exactly what you give, but when you love this way your heart will be full and your conscience will be clear. Sadly, there are those who will still try to take advantage of your kindness, but if you know where your boundaries are, then you can love yourself enough to sever ties with such individuals before they are allowed to steal your energy.

Over time, as you begin to put these positive workings into motion you will start to attract more of what you need. You will begin to attract positive and meaningful relationships with people who truly care about you and your happiness. You will have fewer negative experiences, and you can be excited about all of the positive experiences that you were meant to have.

If you found this helpful, I have an e-book you may also enjoy called A Happier You, along with another of my favorites.


Remember to scroll down to the blue subscribe button!! Thanks for reading!!!

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally

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Many will tell you that lower levels of testosterone in men come with increased age and that’s just the way it is. Interestingly average testosterone levels in men have been slowly declining for many years now. There have been multiple studies conducted in this area, and most have concluded that each generation of males born will on average have lower overall testosterone levels then their fathers, and their fathers lower than their grandfathers. The decline is approximately 1% per year. This means (for example) on average a male of say 40 years of age in 2018 has 10% lower testosterone levels than a man who was age 40 in 2008.

There are many negative effects of low testosterone levels such as depression, low bone density, poor muscle development, and sexual dysfunction. For more about the effects of low testosterone, check out my blog; An Overview of The Endocrine System.

So what’s happening, and what can you do to fix it? There are potentially many natural reasons for the decline. Studies have shown that testosterone tends to temporarily increase when males are in a constant state of being challenged by other males. As the world becomes more civilized and cozy (meaning we no longer need to forage for food, and battle for territory) one could speculate less testosterone is needed. Also, as the world moves out of the industrial age of working with our hands and doing physical labor, and more into the technological age, one may again theorize, less testosterone is needed. Another interesting connection is low levels of vitamin D3, which has a role to play in the production of testosterone. D3 is more accurately a hormone synthesized by the body. Many are spending more time indoors these days, limiting their exposure to the sun and causing levels to plummet. Supplementation can be helpful, but it is not assimilated as well as that which comes by natural processes. If an individual is low in D3, elevating levels to within normal range can increase testosterone levels in some men by as much as 20%. This does not mean that one can increase testosterone levels even higher by dosing mass amounts of D3, balance is important. The best time to get out in the sun for D3 production is when the sun is at its highest, so in the middle of the day. The reason for this is the sun produces more UVB rays during this time which are necessary for 7-dhydrocholesterol to be activated for D3 production; 15 to 20 minutes is plenty. When the sun is lower in the sky there are greater concentrations of UVA rays which do not flip this switch. It should be noted that over exposure to both types can be harmful to the skin, so it’s important to monitor your time. My favorite D3 supplement

Sleep is another important factor. In 2011 The University of Chicago Medical Center reported that lack of sleep dramatically decreases testosterone levels. In this study many young men in their mid 20s who were sleeping less than 5 hours a night were found to have testosterone equal to men 10 to 15 years older. Other studies have shown 7 to 9 hours is ideal for maximum production. Lack of sleep also leads to an increase in cortisol levels which has itself been shown to lower testosterone. Lack of sleep also tends to mean higher stress levels which cascades into higher levels of cortisol and again minimizes testosterone production. Not to mention excessive levels of cortisol can also lead to weight gain; another enemy of testosterone. So make sleep a priority.

Belly fat is a testosterone killer! At the beginning of 2018 it was estimated that 40% of adult Americans were obese and almost 19% of children. Fat contains Aromatase, which is an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen. The more fat one has the more testosterone is converted to estrogen. In today’s society people have become sedentary; compound that with mass amounts of processed crap food and you get the average man-boobed male. So get up and move, and for crying out loud stop eating the junk food. I like to tell people to think about what types a food were available a couple hundred years ago, before everything became processed. It starts to look a bit like the paleo diet. High amounts of sugar are also associated with low testosterone and should be avoided; as are foods containing simple carbohydrates such as pasta, bread, candy, and soda. It is imperative to eat good fats however, such as those found in Salmon, avocados, nuts, and olive oil, as testosterone is a lipid hormone, meaning its production is directly related to certain forms of cholesterol.

Proper liver function is also paramount to optimum testosterone production. One crucial job of the liver is to expel excess amounts of estrogen from the body. Estrogen can build up in the body for a number of reasons. Pesticides, herbicides, BPA in plastic bottles, some soy products, perfumes, fire retardants, liquor, beer (mainly those high in hops) and a number of other things can have an effect on estrogen build up. The liver is already working overtime these days, but one that is toxic could really be struggling to keep up. The same is true of the lymphatic system. (for more on this refer to my blog, An Overview of The Lymphatic and Immune Systems) There are ways to assist the liver in detoxifying. Foods high in sulfur help to shuttle these toxins out while also serving to elevate glutathione levels, which is a very powerful antioxidant produced in the body. By helping the body to eliminate estrogen one can better appreciate the positive effects of testosterone. Foods high in sulfur include Broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, garlic, turnips, eggs, and my favorite, onions. In fact, one study performed in 2009 reported rodents fed a diet high in onions for 20 days increased their testosterone levels by 300% This is the sulfler I use, 99.9% pure

Zinc is also crucial to testosterone production. Much like D3, if one is low in zinc, bringing levels up to within normal range can have a profound effect of testosterone levels and when combined with magnesium the results are even better. Many people are deficient in these minerals due to poor diet. Good sources of zinc include oysters, grass fed beef, lamb, chicken, eggs, oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, cashews, and some mushrooms. The body sweats out zinc when exercising, so the more active you are the more likely it is that you will need to replace it. Another way in which the body becomes quickly depleted in men is through excessive seamen loss. Yep I said it. If you’re sitting around punching the clown all day, you are going to have very low zinc levels, and to compound that every time you orgasm the body releases large amounts of oxytocin. This hormone has many positive roles to play in the body (again more information to be found in my blog on the endocrine system) however oxytocin is a testosterone antagonist which means it may temporarily down-regulate free testosterone while simultaneously up-regulating the production of DHT (often related to hair loss and prostate issues) and another inflammatory enzyme PGD2 which can also have many negative effects when left unchecked. Do with this information, what you will, but I would suggest finding other things to do when you get bored. Here is an inexpensive zinc supplement I recommend for those who aren't getting enough in their diet

Finally, one simple way to increase testosterone is to weight train. Lifting weights 3 to 4 days a week for 30 minutes to an hour has been shown to increase both free testosterone and growth hormone. There is also some research to suggest that cold showers may spark a temporary rise is testosterone levels as well as increase immune activity. This is known as the James Bond shower.

So that’s it. Sleep, eat a proper diet, exercise and lift, mitigate stress, get outside, don’t drink in excess, don’t self indulge daily, stay away from the sweets, maybe try a cold shower, and be the man you were meant to be.

Is MSG bad for you?

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Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is produced naturally in the body when we eat foods containing glutamate; it is an amino acid and an important neurotransmitter. It is necessary at naturally occurring levels, and can even be found in breast milk. Some important functions of glutamate in the body include proper brain, gut, muscle, and immune function, as well as bone development. There are many foods containing this nutrient; foods with higher concentrations include cheese, fish sauce, tomatoes, walnuts, mushrooms, grape juice, broccoli, meats, peas, and more. Other foods such as corn, wheat starch, tapioca flour, molasses and beet sugar are often used in the manufacturing of MSG.

The glucose is first isolated, then mixed with microorganisms which consume the glucose and produce glutamic acid. It is then de-colorized and chelated using (in some cases) charcoal filtration. The liquid is then crystallized in an evaporator before being completely dried. Once dried it is ready to be added to food as a flavor enhancer. MSG in moderation isn’t necessarily toxic. However, when ingested in higher concentrations it can potentially lead to neurological damage in the form of epilepsy, Alzheimer, ALS, autism and depression. Excessive glutamate may cause damage to pancreatic cells by crippling their ability to produce insulin which could increase one’s risk of developing diabetes. In fact In order to test diabetes medications on rats, scientists use high levels of MSG to encourage subjects to eat more and become obese. MSG is an effective excitotoxin, it stimulates the brain's reward system making the foods it has been added to difficult to resist, not just for animals, but humans as well. Studies are currently being done using glutamate blockers to treat migraines as there have been discoveries of a correlation between glutamate blood levels and activation of pain receptors associated with these extreme headaches. MSG has the unique ability to make just about anything taste good. As a result it has been added to a plethora of foods, making it quite challenging to avoid, and quite easy to over do. If you choose to avoid MSG, it’s important to know that many companies are finding ways to fool the consumer by using food additives containing high levels of this substance, but which go by an alternative name, such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed yeast, or yeast extract. Insuring that you are getting ample amounts of antioxidants in your diet can help to counteract many of the negative effects associated with the over consumption of this substance; lycopene in particular has been found to be especially helpful. This is the one I take. It has also been found that individuals who tend to have a heightened sensitivity to MSG also have low levels of magnesium, and or high levels of calcium. Many people are low in magnesium due to an unbalanced diet and consumption of foods which have been grown in nutrient poor soils. Glutamate and calcium are both excitatory and toxic when in excess. Magnesium helps by protecting the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA) from being over activated and preventing cell death. The NMDA receptor has roles to play in many areas including learning, memory, and pain. Research has also shown that MSG and Trans-fat can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver. A combination of vitamin C and E have been shown to dramatically help repair this condition, and protect the liver from further damage. I will link in the rest of the products I use. Thanks for reading!

Fluoride in The Drinking Water

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Quick link to the R.O. water system I use to remove the fluoride.

So for years we have been taught that fluoride is good for teeth and that it can protect them from decay when applied topically, but what happens when we ingest it? There are a few different forms of fluoride; calcium fluoride, sodium fluoride, and hydrofluorosilicic acid. The first one can be found in nature, the other two are byproducts of aluminum and metal manufacturing, and phosphate mining; they are highly toxic to all living organisms and were at one time being pumped into the air and dumped into streams where they decimating the eco system. This stuff eats through glass, steel, and even concrete. Just look up the Rock Island fluoride hazmat spill. Believe it or not, the last two are the ones being added to your drinking water. This junk often carries with it other heavy metals and toxins such as lead, mercury, and arsenic. A large amount of our hydrofluorosilicic acid is imported from China who recognizes it as toxic waste and bands it from their own drinking water. As do Austria, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Hungary, Japan, and many others. The European Union decided (based off the same information available to the USA) that there are too many unresolved health issues associated with this toxic byproduct and therefore it is unethical to force it on people who don’t want it. That’s okay, just slap a skull and cross bones on the side and ship it to America, where it is illegal to put into the sea, but okay to put into the peoples drinking water. Some time in the early 40s the destructive nature of these chemicals became clear. Companies would have to spend millions of dollars to clean, filter, and properly dispose of this toxic waste; but that’s where you come in. By adding so many parts per million to our drinking water, we become the filter for this destructive substance. Even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes it as a poisonous nerotoxin. Studies have shown it to cause a slowing of the mind. One study done at Harvard found that children who lived in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ levels than those living in low fluoride areas. The EPA also states that if more than used for brushing (a pea sized amount) is swallowed, one should call poison control. Yet that is how much you consume with each glass of water if you live in a city with fluoridated water. I’d also like to add, that even if one considers it a medicine, there is no way to regulate it. The more one drinks, the more one gets, and it’s not just in the water, it’s in everything made with the water; sodas, juices, cereals, and just about anything else you can think of. Reverse osmosis filtration is the only way to remove a noticeable amount of fluoride; charcoal filters, distillation, and boiling don’t work. This is the one I own it works great, never leaks, and I only have to worry about filters once a year. It was easy to install; check out the reviews. Over fluoridation in young children can lead to a condition know as dental fluorosis. I recommend you look up some images online. Another condition caused by over fluoridation is skeletal fluorosis. Fluoride absorbs into the bones and prevents calcium from being used properly. This leads to a build up of blood calcium which over time leads to a weakening of the bones and calcification of tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissue, especially in the joints. This leads to varying forms of joint pain. Now the drug companies can also make money from fluoridation; angry yet? Fluoride or (fluorine) is classified as a halogen element on the periodic table; the same is true of chlorine, bromine, astatine, and iodine. Fluoride is known to disrupt the uptake of iodine by the thyroid gland. Iodine is essential for the production of thyroid hormones; without it it’s likely one could develop hypothyroidism. Further studies have found fluoride to be linked to the inactivation of 62 enzymes needed for normal function, and correlation to increases in the aging process, increases in cancer and tumor growth by 17%, disruption of the immune system, interruption of DNA repair activity, genetic damage, lower sperm counts in men, lower testostorone in men, decreased fertility in women, and pineal gland interference. Fluoride is the active ingredient in Prozac which is a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat depression, OCD, Panic disorder, and bulimia nervosa. Before one can be prescribed this drug the patient must (by law) give informed consent. The American Medical Association defines informed consent as "a process of communication between a patient and physician that results in the patient's authorization or agreement to undergo a specific medical intervention." The exact wording varies from state to state but is fundamentally the same. All medical providers must inform a patient of all the potential benefits, risks, and alternatives involved in any surgical procedure, medical procedure, or other course of treatment, and must obtain the patient's written consent to proceed. The idea is that the patient has the right to make an informed decision regarding treatment.  In emergency situations, there is not always time to obtain a patient's informed consent, nor is it always possible when the patient is unconscious or unable to communicate. The Food and Drug Administration allows for the use of experimental drugs or devices in emergency situations without informed consent if the community at large knows that the research into the drug or device is going on, a special committee keeps track of the results, and provisions are in place so that the experimental use can be stopped immediately if need be. It should be noted that fluoride is not regulated by the FDA, and we already know that the EPA recognizes it as a poison. So who decides? The Department of Health and Human Services has recommended

between .07 mg/L and 1.2 mg/L. Many cities being on the higher end. In 2011 the DHHS finally recognized that dental fluorosis was greatly increasing due to over exposure. At that time it was estimated that 41% of adolescents between the ages of 12-15 already had some form of this condition. The new recommendation given was no higher that .07 mg/L. This is a step in the right direction, but it is still impossible to regulate an individuals water consumption, and therefore should be completely removed as there are plenty of affordable options for those who would choose to use fluoride; among theme are many brands of fluoridated toothpastes and mouth washes. The layer of fluoride that is suppose to protect your teeth from decay is so thin, it would take 10,000 layers to equal the thickness of a single strand of hair. If one wants to prevent decay, one must kill the Bactria that are responsible for it; such as streptococcus mutans which can be killed with baking soda. Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is an antacid. It is useful in balancing acidity levels in the mouth which can help with halitosis (bad breath). It can also aid in removing stains, preventing plaque build up, and preventing gum disease. A half tea spoon in a mouth full amount of water should do the trick. Swish it around for at least thirty seconds, but a good couple minutes is ideal. It’s not recommend to actually brush with it on your teeth as it is somewhat abrasive and over time could damage the enamel. Iodine can also be used to kill unwanted mouth bacteria such as streptococcus mutans and streptococcus sobrinus. Add a drop or two of potassium iodine to a mouth full amount of water and swish; 30 seconds is all that is needed.

Endocrine System; An Overview

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In short; the endocrine system is the collective whole of the body’s many glands which are responsible for producing various hormones and regulating multiple functions, including (but not limited to) sexual, tissue, sleep, metabolism, mood, and growth. One adaptogenic herb I use to help balance the hormones is Ashwagandha. This is the one I use I split it up, and take one in the morning and one in the evening.

Signaling in the endocrine system is much slower than that of the nervous system. That is because the endocrine system operates via hormone secretions into the blood stream rather than electrochemical waves. In the same way that it can take longer for hormone signaling to activate a process, it can also take more time to halt said process. There is another form of signaling known as the paracrine which operates via molecules which are released from a paracrine cell and received by the target cell; however there are fewer functions using this system. The hormones manufactured throughout the endocrine system by the endocrine glands have specific markers which are only received by special target cells which have the proper receptors; like a key made for a lock. Hormones which do not possess the right markers will not have an effect on target cells with receptors for a different hormone. There are however trips and triggers which exist in foods, plants, chemicals, and our environment which masquerade as hormones or contain them and can in fact have an impact on the natural processes.

There are three main hormone types. Peptide hormones, Amino acid derivatives, and Lipid derivatives. There are also Eicosanoids; sometimes referred to as local hormones, but are probably best labeled as biologically active lipids such as the various prostaglandins and leukotrienes. These are fatty acid derivatives which are being studied for their link to assorted inflammations and cancers. All hormones produced by the body serve as a check and balance system to keep the body functioning properly. There are over a hundred specific peptide hormones. Some of the main ones are insulin, oxytocin, and somatotropin (human growth hormone). Although most people are likely familiar with insulin and HGH; oxytocin is one that some may be less acquainted with. This hormone has many nicknames, including the love hormone, the cuddle hormone, and the monogamy hormone. These have to do with its connection to the human bonding experience as oxytocin is released in both males and females during orgasm. However it is also responsible for contractions during the birthing process and even plays a role in the production of milk. Often when a new mother hears a baby cry or even sits in the spot where she usually feeds her baby, she will begin to produce milk. This is due to the release of oxytocin. Amino acid derivative hormones have two basic categorizes; thyroid hormones, and catecholamines. The thyroid is located just below the larynx (Adams apple) and is responsible for converting amino acid tyrosine and the chemical element iodine into thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones regulate metabolism and the body’s ability to turn calories into energy. Every cell in the body is counting on the thyroid to give them what they need for proper metabolism. Catecholamines include dopamine and norepinephrine, both of which are neurotransmitters and also serve as endocrine modulators. Research has also shown the norepinephrine may also play a role in memory and conditioned learning. Norepinephrine is also synthesized from tyrosine and is converted to epinephrine (adrenaline). Lipid derivatives are hormones produced from certain types of fats like triglycerides, fatty acids, and molecules. Most come from cholesterol. The more prominent of which are the steroid type hormones. These hormones are secreted from the adrenal cortex, the ovaries, and the testes. They can also be released by the placenta during pregnancy. Androgens are the male sex hormones; the chief of which is testosterone. The female sex hormones consist of both estrogens and progestins. Progesterone is a progestin that is largely responsible for ensuring that the body is able to carry a baby full term. Also, after conception the placenta begins to secrete additional progesterone to prevent another conception from being possible by thwarting ovulation.

The endocrine system attempts to achieve homeostasis by utilizing both negative and positive feedback responses. The negative feedback response works in a way that is similar to the float device in the back of a toilet. Once the water has reached an appropriate level, the water is turned off. Likewise, once the glands have produced a suitable quantity of hormone, the brain sends a signal to switch it off. This signaling comes through the pituitary gland, but originates in the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is about the size of an almond, and works to link the nervous system and endocrine system together. Positive feedback reinforces change in the controlled condition; which means the signaling of a certain hormone actually triggers a loop response causing the release of more. As previously stated, oxytocin is responsible for inducing contractions during the birthing process, and in turn the contractions signal the release of additional oxytocin; this will continue until the baby is born.

A couple of other glands I’d like point out are the pineal gland (located near the center of the head, but slightly to the back) and the thymus (located in the chest area). The pineal gland which is light sensitive, manufactures a hormone called melatonin that is paramount in regulating the sleep/wake cycle. Melatonin (which is needed for deep sleep) is best produced in a room that is dark; the darker the better. Research has shown that melatonin plays other vital roles as well. These include scavenging free radicals, helping the body eliminate cancer cells, and fighting inflammation. Studies have also shown that a lack of melatonin can lead to quickened atrophy of the thymus which can have adverse effects on the immune system. However; supplementation is not recommended, as over time the body may adjust by limiting natural production which can create a dependency; sleep is best. When we are exposed to light the pineal gland also produces serotonin (the precursor to melatonin) which affects our mood and energy levels. Antidepressants are thought to have an impact on this natural process, but the way they function is not completely understood, and there are a range of side effects which can disrupt other operations. Another culprit which can disrupt our circadian cycle is artificial light. Blue and white lights in particular, like that of a cell phone, tablet, or computer can cause the pineal gland to perceive that it is day time, which can sometimes lead to insomnia. This is why it is a good idea to avoid these devices before bed time. Interestingly, lights of red and orange wave form (like that of a fire) do not suppress melatonin, which may give credence to the idea that man evolved around a camp fire. There is also some conjecture that the pineal gland may have a hand in producing a psychedelic chemical known as DMT, however there is no conclusive evidence as of yet, and more research needs to be conducted in this area. The thymus gland (as mentioned above) reaches maturity before we reach the end of puberty. From there it begins to shrink; this is known as involution. The shrinking of this gland happens over time, as its cells are slowly replaced by fat cells until finally there is virtually no thymus gland left by age 75. The thymus produces and matures our T-Cells, or T-lymphocytes via the hormone thymosin. These cells help to protect the body from both viral and bacterial pathogens. As we age and the thymus shrinks, so too does the body’s ability to protect itself. Other issues common to our society such as leaky gut can further compound this issue by allowing the introduction of unwanted microbes and microbial products to pass into the bloodstream which can trigger a type of chronic T-Cell stimulation called inflammaging. This is associated with diseases such as Alzheimer’s, atherosclerosis, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and others ailments often associated with aging.

There are many conditions which can be linked to dysfunctional or sluggish operating of the endocrine system. Some of the most familiar are..

Hypothyroidism- Individuals with this disorder suffer from an under active thyroid. Symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, muscle weakness, increased sensitivity to cold, puffy face, slowed heart rate, pain in joints, constipation, dry skin, thinning hair, elevated blood cholesterol, and depression. Hyperthyroidism- With this condition an individuals thyroid over produces hormones sending the body into a sympathetic state; sometimes referred to as Grave’s disease, although Grave’s tends to be a bit more extreme. A good endocrinologist should be able to determine the severity of said conditions. symptoms include rapid heart beat, sudden weight loss, increased appetite, anxiety, irritability, increased sensitivity to heat, sweating, insomnia, excessive bowl movements, and trembling of the hands.

Thyroiditis- Often an extension of the above disorders, this ailment involves the inflammation and or swelling of the thyroid. This issue can be painful if brought on by trauma, or sometimes painless if associated with either hypo or hyperthyroidism. Symptoms include firm and enlarged glands which are typically visible on one or both sides of the neck, with or without pain. Other symptoms are similar to those listed above.

Thyroid cancer- Is thought to develop in follicular and parafollicular thyroid cells. There are three types of thyroid cancer; papillary, follicular, and anaplastic (PTC, FTC, and ATC). Symptoms may include nodule growths on thyroid and possibly changes in voice, as the recurrent laryngeal nerve can become irritated. Other possible symptoms can be similar to those found with hypo and hyperthyroidism.

Adrenal insufficiency- (Addison’s disorder). The adrenal glands produce cortisol and aldosterone, but with Addison’s they typically produce insufficient amounts leading to a host of symptoms, such as low blood pressure, fainting, extreme fatigue, abdominal pain, depression, a craving for salt, diarrhea and vomiting, hyperpigmentation of the skin, decreased appitite, and weight loss.

Metabolic disorder- There are many types of metabolic disorders, ranging from relatively minor to major. This mutation is typically hereditary and is passed down through families. Those who suffer from this condition have difficulty processing proteins, fats, nucleic acids, and sugars. In extreme cases fatality has occurred; although for most treatment options are available. Signs and symptoms are extremely vast.

Polycystic ovary syndrome- (PCOS) This is a condition that commonly causes swelling of the ovaries and excessive fluid retention in the local follicles. PCOS can have a direct impact on a woman’s ability to conceive. While the cause is currently unknown, it is understood that obesity can exacerbate the issue; weight loss is usually recommended. Symptoms include elevated levels of male hormones which can lead to facial hair, adult acne, and balding. These women may also experience infrequent or absent periods.

Hypoglycemia- Technically not considered a disease, but rather a condition associated with diabetes or other viral or bacterial illnesses. Low blood sugar is the largest indicator; signs of hypoglycemia include heart palpitations, pale skin, fatigue, hunger, irritation, anxiety, and a tingling sensation around the mouth.

Cushing syndrome- If the body is exposed to heightened levels of cortisol for extended periods of time (via over production or corticosteroid medication) a condition can develop in which the individual begins to gain weight around the face, belly, and upper back, while simultaneously losing fat from the arms and legs. Other attributes of this syndrome may include bone loss, high blood pressure, and eventually type 2 diabetes. Men with this condition may experience erectile dysfunction, and loss of libido, while women may experience increased growth of facial and body hair. It may also become difficult for the body to repair itself should injury occur.

Osteoporosis- This is subsequent to a thinning of the bones, and can result from low production of estrogen or a lack of proper nutrients in the diet. While there are a few symptoms which can be associated with this deficiency, such as chronic back ache, or a loss in height, there are usually no signs until a fracture or other injury occurs.

Type 1 diabetes- (often referred to as juvenile diabetes) This condition is sometimes the result of genetic inheritance, but is also thought to be linked to a viral culprit; at this time is not completely understood. With this ailment the pancreas fails to produce sufficient amounts of insulin which is needed by cells in the body in order to utilize glucose as energy. Also as I pointed out in the previous chapter, the immune system attacks the body by killing beta cells needed for manufacturing insulin. Symptoms may include extreme hunger and thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, weakness, blurred vision, and irritability.

Type 2 diabetes- With type 2, the body’s cells usually become resistant to insulin. It is possible to have low insulin production as well, but typically the former is to blame. Symptoms include, increased thirst, increased hunger, fatigue, frequent urination, poor wound healing, and hyper pigmentation in areas where the skin may have rolls or folds, such as the back of the neck. The medical community would lead you to believe that this condition is also chronic and incurable; however I have seen individuals come off of all medications and return to normal insulin sensitivity in as little as 30 days with diet and exercise.

Low testosterone- (Which may or may not be linked to hypogonadism) Symptoms include, sexual and reproductive dysfunction, decrease in bone density, decrease in muscle mass, low levels of red blood cells, and loss of feeling of well being. It’s worth noting that most low testosterone issues can be attributed to a garbage diet and a sedentary lifestyle. While it’s true that testosterone decreases with age, carrying excess fat and poor nutrition can be large contributing factors. The same can be said for many other conditions as well, Just about every issue above can be treated to some extent with proper diet and activity. Obesity is on the rise in this country. People shovel in the junk food and wonder why they feel like crap. Sadly, most would rather take a pill than take responsibility for what goes into their body. Compound that with inactivity, and millions of people are setting themselves up for a life time of suffering that could (for the most part) be avoided by making healthier choices.