The Secret to Getting More of What You Want - Life Years Press "Enter" to skip to content

The Secret to Getting More of What You Want

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What if I told you there was a simple way for you to have more of what you want? What if I told you much of what you experience in life is ordered up by your subconscious mind? Have you ever been in a situation where you saw the possibility of attaining something good, but found that your fear or insecurities where whispering discouraging words to you? (Yeah, she likes you and you could probably have a good time for a while, but you know you’re kind of boring and she would just end up leaving you for someone else.) (You better hope they don’t pick you for the management position because even though you want to earn more money, you likely wouldn’t be able to handle the job.) (Sure you’d like to generate more income, but then you would lose your government benefits and wind up having to pay more for insurance, groceries, and taxes, so what’s the point?)

Here’s another one for you; how many times have you tried to do something or become something, and it became an endless struggle? The key word here is try. Yes we must apply effort to things, and self discipline in doing so is a necessary component, but rather than “try” what if you could just do or simply be? When we “try” to achieve something we immediately create a barrier between where we are now, and where we want to go. If you wanted to start a business for example, it would benefit you more to see yourself as an individual starting a business or even already in that business and growing, rather than someone who is “trying” to start a business. While these differences may seem subtle, the impact of thinking and believing in such a way is profound. The difference in this example is the word trying suggest struggle or difficulty, while doing or being removes this blockage allowing you to get excited about what you are accomplishing. Fear and doubt are low vibrational emotions, whereas excitement and thankfulness resonate at a much higher frequency; emotion is the language of the universe.

Many people today are stuck in a victim mentality. (I don’t have enough. I can’t afford to pay my bills. The world is unfair. We can’t get along. I’m not doing as well as other people. I hate my job. Money is evil.) Moving through life in this way ensures that you will always remain powerless; life happens to you rather than for you. In the Audible book The Awakening Course by Dr. Joe Vitale, it is explained that the first rule of psychology is that whatever you focus on, you get more of. In other words, if you always focus on what you don’t have, that is what you will get more of. If you focus on what you do have, and are thankful for it, then that will be what you get more of. Dr. Vitale does an amazing job of explaining all of this and so much more. Another Important tip from The Awakening Course is to pay attention to what ideas you allow to permeate your personal beliefs. One example given is your television. It’s no secret that the news groups receive higher view ratings when covering stories about disasters. The unbalanced coverage creates a narrative that mirrors the negative thoughts I gave examples for earlier, which confirms your fears and creates more barriers in your life. (Everyone is fighting. The world is in chaos. We’re running out of resources.) Humans are emotional beings. The Latin derivative for the word emotion (emotere) literally means energy in motion. It becomes difficult to focus positive energy towards your goals and projects in life if you allow yourself to be bombarded with such negativity.

Whether we realize it or not, we all have beliefs. Many of those beliefs can be limiting. I’m not talking about religious beliefs, though those too can be a factor. The beliefs I’m talking about are more along the lines of (I’ll never turn pro playing basketball because I’m not tall enough.) the belief here is that only taller individuals can make it in professional basketball. (I can’t earn a higher income because I never went to college.) The obvious belief here is that one needs a college education to achieve a higher level of income. Dr. Vitalle has spent many years helping regular people dispel such limiting beliefs, and has made it his mission in life to share these life changing tips with as many people as possible. He has authored dozens of books, and was featured in the film The Secret, which gives insight concerning the power of the law of attraction. I personally found The Awakening Course to be of great benefit to me. Joe is a very personable guy and speaks in a way that is plain, straight forward, and easy to follow. I have listened to this audible book many times, and will continue to do so going forward as a reminder to myself. It’s often more beneficial to listen to or re-read a handful of books that speak to you so that you may retain every bit of them, than it is to read or listen to dozens and dozens and forget their wisdom.

That being said, Audible books is an amazing resource for those who are working full time, raising kids, going to school, or are just too tired to sit and read. I have included secure links to Audible in this writing. Without a membership, one time purchases of books can be quite expensive. Depending on the devise you’re on you may have to scroll down for cell phone or slide right on a computer, but by clicking the Audible links on this page you can sign up for a free trial. Usually free books are included, some they just give you, and others you choose. You do have to put in your information to get the free trial, but as long as you get rid of it before the trial is up, you will never be billed. It is so worth taking for a spin. If you’re like me you will find that there are so many other interesting Audible books to hear. People are the happiest when they are learning and growing as an individual. Say good bye to silly radio jockeys and listen in your car! Put your ear buds in and clean house, do art, work on your truck, take a bath, or whatever your heart desires while learning something new. I love to keep a note pad close so I can write things down. I believe in doing things that ad value. This is what my web page is about, and why I choose to share my thoughts on the things I do. With so many negative voices, I want to be one that is positive. If you do try the free trial and listen to The Awakening Course, I’d love to know what you thought of it. Please feel free to leave me a comment. Remember to scroll down for the secure Audible link and promotion. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy!


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