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Add life to your years, and perhaps even years to your life through the better understanding of mind, body, and nutrition. Today’s society is heavily medicated. Most individuals would rather take a pill than take responsibility for their own health and happiness, or maybe they just don’t know how. It seems the world of nutrition in particular is ever changing and can become quite overwhelming at times. Eat carbs, don’t eat carbs, low fat is good for you, low fat is bad for you, on and on. With this blog site I will attempt to outline the importance of proper diet and supplementation; along with overviews on various toxins to be avoided. I will also inject information as to how these things impact the inner-workings of the body. In addition, at times I will cover topics which may be related to mental and emotional health, because after-all these things are all connected on various levels. I am not a doctor, and I am not promising miracle cures. However, I am an avid researcher who has implemented many of these things in my own life. At the end of the day, you are responsible for you. If you want to survive and be average, then do what everyone else is doing. If you want to thrive and have better energy, health, and an overall sense of well being, then I believe this blog site will be a good fit for you.

Thank you so much for stopping by! I look forward to sharing many different topics, much of which I believe will be of great benefit to you.